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Crude Palm Oil Import Parity

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Crude Palm Oil Import Parity - Kandla Port Amount
1. KLCE 1st Month (A) (May Shipment)(22 Oct 2024, 12:18:53 PM) (Exchange Price)
2. Malayasian Ringgit Exchange rate (USD / MYR) (Exchange Price) (B)
3. Malyasian CPO In USD / MT (A/B) 19.43
4. M'sia PalmOil Export Levy IN MYR(8% on RM 84.03) (C)
5. M'sia PalmOil Export Levy IN USD(C/B) 1.55
6. Export Expenses In USD (D)
7. Bogie
8. Insurance
9. Shortage
10. CIF at Kandla in $ / MT (May Shipment) (22 Oct 2024, 12:18:53 PM)
11. CIF at Kandla in $ / MT (May Shipment) (April Shipment Actual)
12. Crude Palm Oil Import Parity CIF $/MT
13. USD - INR Spot (1st Month Forward)
14. CIF in Rs / MT 0.00
15. Tariff in $ / MT
16. Import Duty in $ / MT @   % 277.20
17. Import Duty in Rs / MT @   23520.42
18. Import Expenses in Rs / MT
19. Landed Cost Rs/10 Kg 245.20
20. Spot Price Rs/10Kg Nearby Ship (incl import duty) (22 Oct 2024, 12:18:54 PM)
21. Import Parity in Rs / 10 Kg 954.80
22. MCX CPO 1M Prices-INR/10 kg 1132.22
23. MCX CPO 1M - Landed CPO (Parity/Disparity)(22 Oct 2024, 12:18:54 PM) 1132.22
24. Processing Cost Rs/10Kg 70.00
25. RBD Oln Rs/10Kg 315.20
26. RBD Oln Rs/10Kg at Kandla Port (Spot Price) 315.20
26. RBD Kandla Spot - RBD from Landed CPO Parity/Disparity (22 Oct 2024, 12:18:54 PM) 315.20

Notes :
2. USD-INR Spot is real-time spot + cost of carry (@0.5%/month)
6. Exchange rate used for converting Import Duty is the customs exchange rate
8. Landed Cost = CIF + Import Duty + Import Expenses

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