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Northern India Faces Slump in Cotton Output

10 May 2024 6:50 pm
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Mumbai, May 10 (Commodities Control): Cotton production in Northern India, including Rajasthan, Punjab, and Haryana (15-16% of India's cotton), is expected to drop significantly this season. Rakesh Rathi, a former president of the North India Cotton Association, cites poor yields, low prices, and high picking costs as reasons for the decline.

Land rent reflects this shift, with paddy fetching Rs 70,000 per acre compared to Rs 40,000 for cotton in Punjab and Haryana. Rathi predicts a decrease of 20-50% in cotton sowing. Upper Rajasthan might be an exception due to better yields and prices.

Late seed approvals by governments delayed early sowing in mustard-planted areas, leading farmers to choose other crops. A positive note: due to elections, the India Gandhi Canal will remain open, providing crucial canal water for cotton cultivation.

Farmers are increasingly opting for paddy, moong, guar, castor seed, and til over cotton.

(By Commoditiescontrol Bureau; +91-9820130172)

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