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India's Summer Crop Acreage Surges Amidst Uneven Pre-Monsoon Rainfall

6 May 2024 1:39 pm
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Mumbai, May 6 (Commodities Control): India's agricultural landscape witnesses a notable upsurge in summer crop acreage, reflecting resilience and adaptability within the sector. Compared to the previous year, summer crop acreage has risen by 7.5% to 71.80 lakh hectares, exceeding normal levels by 5 lakh hectares. This surge, occurring as the zaid season concludes, reflects a positive influence of Minimum Support Price (MSP) and crop selection based on rising demand prospect.

Summer paddy cultivation emerges as a standout performer, expanding by 10% to cover 30.30 lakh hectares. Similarly, the pulse sector experiences a 4.3% increase in acreage, driven by higher Moong sowing, although Urad coverage sees a slight decline. Key growers of summer pulses include Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat, indicating the geographical diversity and widespread cultivation practices across the nation. Additionally, cereals like maize, Jowar, and Bajra witness a significant 10% increase in acreage, signaling farmers' strategic responses to market dynamics.

However, amidst this agricultural progress, concerns arise due to uneven pre-monsoon rainfall. Cumulative rainfall is currently 15% below normal nationwide, with excess rainfall in central India and the north-west, and deficiencies in the south peninsula and east/north-east regions. This disparity poses challenges to crop growth and agricultural productivity.

The uneven distribution of rainfall underscores the vulnerability of India's agricultural sector to climatic variability, necessitating adaptive strategies and robust risk management practices. Collaborative efforts among farmers, policymakers, and agricultural experts are essential to harness technological innovations, implement sustainable water management practices, and develop resilient crop varieties.

In conclusion, India's agriculture sector shows resilience amid erratic rainfall. The surge in summer crop acreage, alongside strategic cultivation shifts, reflects farmers' proactive measures. Collaborative efforts are crucial to mitigate climatic challenges and ensure long-term food security. With innovation and collective action, India's agriculture can thrive sustainably, promising prosperity for future generations.

(By Commoditiescontrol Bureau; +91-9820130172)

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