NEW DELHI, Aug 08: US soybean net sales were at 325,400 MT for the week ended August 1 in the marketing year 2023/2024 starting September 1, up 2 percent from the previous week and 66 percent from the prior 4-week average.
US soybean net sales were at 376,400 MT for the week ended July 25.
Increases were primarily for China (134,500 MT), Indonesia (81,100 MT, including 56,700 MT switched from unknown destinations and decreases of 600 MT), Germany (57,100 MT), Italy (55,000 MT), and Portugal (45,000 MT), were offset by reductions for unknown destinations (67,400 MT), Egypt (62,000 MT), Mexico (18,100 MT), Japan (6,200 MT), and Colombia (5,500 MT).
Net sales of 985,200 MT for 2024/2025 were primarily for China (400,000 MT), unknown destinations (245,200 MT), Egypt (62,000 MT), Turkey (55,000 MT), and Portugal (45,000 MT). Exports of 352,000 MT were down 31 percent from the previous week, but up 9 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Mexico (87,400 MT), Indonesia (84,800 MT), Germany (57,100 MT), Japan (54,200 MT), and Taiwan (16,900 MT).
Exports for Own Account: For 2023/2024, the current exports for own account outstanding balance of 3,700 MT are for Canada (1,400 MT), Taiwan (1,300 MT), Bangladesh (500 MT), and Malaysia (500 MT).
Export Adjustments: Accumulated exports of soybeans were adjusted down 57,098 MT to the Netherlands for week ending July 25th. The correct destination for this shipment is Germany.
Soybean Cake and Meal
Net sales of 102,300 MT for 2023/2024 were up noticeably from the previous week, but down 27 percent from the prior 4-week average.
Increases primarily for unknown destinations (29,800 MT), the Dominican Republic (17,900 MT), Mexico (11,100 MT, including decreases of 4,700 MT), Colombia (9,500 MT, including decreases of 22,000 MT), and Nicaragua (7,500 MT, including 6,000 MT switched from Colombia, 600 MT switched from Costa Rica, and 200 MT switched from El Salvador), were offset by reductions for El Salvador (6,000 MT), Japan (1,100 MT), Belgium (1,000 MT), and Costa Rica (500 MT).
Net sales of 256,500 MT for 2024/2025 were primarily for unknown destinations (101,000 MT), Mexico (54,300 MT), Panama (32,600 MT), Morocco (24,000 MT), and Canada (13,800 MT). Exports of 285,200 MT were up 31 percent from the previous week and 36 percent from the prior 4-week average.
The destinations were primarily to Colombia (58,900 MT), the Philippines (53,300 MT), Ecuador (30,400 MT), Venezuela (26,900 MT, including 20,500 MT - late), and Honduras (26,400 MT).
Late Reporting: For 2023/2024, exports of 20,481 MT were reported late to Venezuela.
Soybean Oil
Net sales of 10,900 MT for 2023/2024 were up noticeably from the previous week and from the prior 4-week average.
Increases primarily for Mexico (9,500 MT), were offset by reductions for Canada (100 MT). Net sales reductions of 8,200 MT for 2024/2025 were reported for Mexico (7,900 MT) and the Dominican Republic (300 MT).
Exports of 9,800 MT were up 11 percent from the previous week and 3 percent from the prior 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Mexico (9,600 MT).