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31/10/16 23:42*DJ UK Hammond: Very Pleased Carney Staying On AS BOE Governor Until End Of June 2019
31/10/16 23:34*DJ BOE Carney: Notes June 2019 Will Take Governorship Through Brexit Talks
31/10/16 23:34*DJ BOE's Carney to Extend Term in Office by One Year to June 2019
31/10/16 23:29DJ October Nonfarm Payrolls Seen Up -- Data Week Ahead Update
31/10/16 23:28DJ The Market Sends a Miserable Message: More Inflation, Weak Growth
31/10/16 23:10DJ Low Rates Means Current Asset Prices Are Just Fine -- Market Talk
31/10/16 22:39DJ Capital Econ: Brazil GDP Growth Derailed in 3Q -- Market Talk
31/10/16 22:02DJ 3 Events that Could Derail a Rate Hike; Trump is No. 1 -- Barron's Blog
31/10/16 21:08DJ U.S. Personal Income-Historical
31/10/16 20:45DJ OPEC Chief Confident Deal Will Still be Finalized by Nov 30 - Bloomberg TV
31/10/16 20:41DJ Dallas Fed: Manufacturing And Outlook Remain Positive in Dallas
31/10/16 20:26DJ Brazil's Government Deficit Narrows to 9.42% of GDP in September -- Update
31/10/16 20:25DJ Mexico's Economy Resumes Expansion in Third Quarter
31/10/16 20:11DJ Chicago PMI Falls to 50.6 in October
31/10/16 20:04*DJ Dallas Fed Oct Business Activity -1.5 Vs Sep -3.7
31/10/16 20:04*DJ Dallas Fed Oct Mfg Production Index 6.7 Vs Sep 16.7
31/10/16 20:01DJ U.K.'s May Backs Mark Carney Staying On as BOE Chief -- 3rd Update
31/10/16 19:49DJ U.S. Consumer Spending Rose 0.5% in September -- Update
31/10/16 19:19DJ Emerging Market Week Ahead: What Will Fed Say? -- Barron's Blog
31/10/16 19:19*DJ US Chicago Purch Mgmt Adj Oct Index +50.6 vs Sep +54.2