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Economy News
01/11/16 12:05DJ Dow Falls 3rd Month in a Row -- WSJ
01/11/16 12:05DJ Inflation Wobble May Perk Up ECB -- WSJ
01/11/16 11:34*DJ Ireland Oct Manufacturing PMI 52.1 vs 51.3 in Sep
01/11/16 10:47DJ Japan's Domestic Auto Sales Excluding Minicars +0.8% on Year in Oct
01/11/16 10:45DJ Asian Shares Show Mixed Reaction to Econ, Central Bank News -- 1st Update
01/11/16 10:35*DJ Japan's Domestic Auto Sales Excluding Minicars +0.8% on Year in Oct
01/11/16 09:10*DJ RBA Says Global Industrial Production, Trade Growth Subdued
01/11/16 09:09*DJ RBA Says Global Economy Continuing to Grow at Lower Than Average
01/11/16 09:09*DJ RBA Says Growth in Rents is Slowest in Decades
01/11/16 09:08*DJ RBA Says Considerable Supply of Apartments in Pipeline Over Couple of Years
01/11/16 09:08DJ Australia's RBA Keeps Rates Unchanged at 1.50%
01/11/16 09:07*DJ RBA Says Prices in Some Markets Rising Briskly in Past Few Months
01/11/16 09:07DJ Asian Shares Mixed on China Data and BOJ Decision -- Update
01/11/16 09:07*DJ RBA Says Rate of House Price Increases Lower Than a Year Ago
01/11/16 09:06*DJ RBA Says Housing Turnover, Lending Growth Slowed in Past Year
01/11/16 09:06*DJ RBA Says Lenders Taking More Cautious Attitude in Certain Housing Segments
01/11/16 09:05*DJ RBA Says Unchanged Rate Consistent With Inflation Return to Target Over Time
01/11/16 09:05*DJ RBA Says Inflation Expected to Remain Low for Some Time
01/11/16 09:04*DJ RBA Says Sept Quarter Inflation Data Broadly as Expected
01/11/16 09:04*DJ RBA Says Labor Market Conditions Still Somewhat Mixed